Friday 5 March 2010

Back To Basics Smoothie Maker

The back to basics smoothie maker

was the answer to my smoothie wishes. After buying several machines from various stores and websites, all of which broke pretty quickly, I finally found this one.
The problem with most smoothie makers is they leave too many lumps, take too long and can’t blend certain fruits. In my experience, the ones that can manage all of this break a few weeks later after minimal use.
This is the original smoothie maker. The one that set the standard, one that has yet to be broken in fact.

With many other machines you need to cut a lot of the fruit up with a knife before the machine can even be used. With the back to basics smoothie elite maker, you can dump full ice cubes and big chunks of whatever you find sitting around your kitchen and you have yourself a smoothie.

When making a smoothie you can pretty much throw anything together, blend it and drink it. For a really cold drink blend some fruit with a few ice cubes, great for a cold day. For a smooth drink you could blend a little fruit, maybe add some ice cream or yogurt.

The amazing thing is people don’t realise how cheap a smoothie maker really is. The back to basics smoothie maker is will cost you less than $30, a few bits of fruit for a few dollars and you have a day of smoothies while lying around the garden.